Shawshank Redemption, The

Shawshank Redemption, The

Back in another time, when it was still illegal for me to consume the sweet nectar that is alcohol, me and a friend were having a few beers, probably nicked from somebody's parent's stash (or perhaps we were doing the skimming-from-the-top-of-the-harder-liquor-and-replacing-it-with-water trick), at my mate's place before heading out to a house party in a neighbouring suburb.

So there we were, stumbling down the street, probably acting drunker then we actually were, when we noticed an older kid coming our way. Now where we grew up wasn't exactly Compton, but there was always still the risk of getting your head punched by a random to whom that was the very idea of fun, so we adopted the usual hunched over, silent walk, making ourselves look a bit tough (but not too tough). To cap off the image, my friend lit up a cigarette, sharply exhaling the smoke, as if to say: ‘look how tough I am, I don't even care about the carcinogenic toxins currently bombarding my bloodstream, making their way to my vital organs, heightening my risk for various cancers, not to mention possibly eventually making me impotent as I read in one recent study, although they don't exactly put that warning on the packets yet'. Big mistake.

The older kid made a beeline straight for us. What follows is my recollection of the conversation that took place that dark, dark night. Keep in mind this was many moons ago, and when it happened, I was like, so fucking pissed man, oh yeah man, it was gnarly. Off my fucking titties. So, so pissed.

Older Kid (OK): “Hey dudes! Dudes?”

Uncle Cliff (UC): “Uh…hey.”

My Friend (MF): “What's up, man?”

OK: “Dudddddes, you wouldn't have a ciggy I could borrow would ya?”

UC: “Nah, man.”

MF: “Last one.”

OK: “Really? Shit. You sure?”

MF: “Yeah, sorry man.”

UC: “Go buy your own fucking smokes you fucking dole-bludging dickhead.”

(NOTE: I either said that, or “Really, really sorry man.” Memory hazy. So, so pissed.)

OK: That's cool, I think I've got one on me anyway.

The older kid lights up his smoke. We just stand there.

OK: So, what you fellas been up to tonight?

UC: Nothing.

MF: Oh we watched a movie on tele.

UC: Had some beers.

OK: Cool. What you watch?

UC: Some shit.

MF: Shawshank Redemption .

OK: Shawshak Redemption ? No way, that was on tonight?

UC: I guess.

MF: Yeah it was. Just finished. Now we're headed to a friend's part—

UC: We're gonna go get real pissed.

OK: Fuck. Man. Fuck. The Shawshank Redemption . Wow. Man, don't you just love films that are about the triumph of the human spirit over adversity…and shit?


UC: Um….

OK: Have a good night fellas.

And with a final puff of smoke he disappears into the night.

UC (Five minutes later, well out of earshot): I reckon we could have taken that cunt.

Shawshank Redemption . It was on tele the other night and stirred up this memory. If you haven't seen it, there's a guy walking around somewhere, maybe in your very neighbourhood, who heartily recommends it. It is a great film about the triumph of the human spirit over adversity, and shit, and there's really nothing else that I need to add to that.