Jackass The Movie

Jackass The Movie

See also:
Jackass: Number Two (Uncle Cliff)

The film snob in me didn’t want to like this. He wanted to barely be able to disguise his disgust and contempt, using words like ‘drivel’, ‘brainless’, ‘vacuous’ and ‘incomprehensibly inane’ to describe it, while making bombastically hyperbolic statements about how crap like this appearing in cinemas heralds the immanent movie apocalypse. He would then ponder wistfully about how an extended version of a TV show that features irresponsible idiots hurting each other, making themselves puke and irritating animals could possibly grace the same screens as actual films by cinema greats like Coppola, Scorsese, Sandler, etc…you get the idea.

Problem is, even my inner film snob came close to peeing himself a few times at these enthusiastically stupid stunts and pranks. Knoxville, Steve O, Bam and their motley crew strut their juvenile charm with such machismo and roguish charisma that it’s almost impossible not to like these jackasses and enjoy their idiotic antics.