We Don

We Don't Live Here Anymore

We Don't Live Here Anymore is one of those films where while you are watching it you become aware of just how good everything is. Interesting direction. Layered, great performances. Complicated and realistically flawed characters. Subtle and intelligent story. You realise all these elements are, quite rarely, all present in the one film. Unfortunately the reason you realise this is because the film itself is not very enjoyable. If you're anything like me when you don't get involved in a film your mind goes elsewhere. To how expressive Mark Ruffalo's small facial tics can be. To how you've never seen a character quite like Peter Krause's Hank Evans before. To how this is a really complex essay on marriage, friendship and fidelity.

It would be fair to say that as an unmarried male with no idea of the stress of a long-term relationship that I was never going to identify with the characters or the themes too strongly. If you are however in that position, then this film probably has the potential to rock your socks. To make you do some serious thinking. You may find that you start asking yourself questions like“Is true monogamy even possible?” or“What would I do if my partner was unfaithful?” or most likely, “Would I leave my wife for Naomi Watts?” Hard soul searching questions.

Good film, it just didn't involve me, draw me in, move me, or really even entertain me.